Creativo Print Shop

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI)

At Creativo Print Shop, we are committed to fostering a workplace and business environment that celebrates diversity, promotes inclusion, and ensures accessibility for all. Our dedication to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) reflects our belief that every individual deserves to be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their background, abilities, or identity.

Diversity is the strength that drives innovation and creativity. At Creativo Print Shop, we embrace and celebrate the differences that make each person unique. Our diverse team contributes to a rich tapestry of perspectives, ideas, and experiences, allowing us to better serve the diverse needs of our valued customers.

We strive to create a fair and just environment where everyone has equal opportunities to thrive. Our commitment to equity means recognizing and addressing barriers that may exist, ensuring that all members of our team and community have the chance to reach their full potential.

Inclusion is at the heart of our culture. We believe in creating a welcoming and supportive atmosphere where everyone feels valued and included. By fostering a sense of belonging, we empower our team to collaborate effectively and deliver exceptional service to our customers.


Accessibility is a cornerstone of our commitment to serving all members of our community. We strive to make our online print shop accessible to individuals of all abilities. This includes providing alternative formats, designing user-friendly interfaces, and ensuring our content is perceivable, operable, and understandable for everyone.

As a Canadian business, we understand the importance of reflecting the rich mosaic of our nation. We are dedicated to contributing to a more inclusive and accessible Canada through our business practices and community engagement.

Land Acknowledgement

We acknowledge the land we are meeting on is the traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Anishnabeg, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee and the Wendat peoples and is now home to many diverse First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples. We also acknowledge that Toronto is covered by Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit.


  • Anishnabeg: (ah-nish-naw-bek)
  • Haudenosaunee: (hoodt-en-oh-show-nee)
  • Métis: (may-tee)

What is a land acknowledgement and why do we do it?

A territorial or land acknowledgement involves making a statement recognizing the traditional territory of the Indigenous people(s) who called the land home before the arrival of settlers, and in many cases still do call it home. Indigenous peoples have been acknowledging the land at the start of gatherings, ceremonies and events for time immemorial. With the release of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, more non-Indigenous people are becoming aware of the importance.

Providing a land acknowledgement at the beginning of an event or meeting gives time for reflection and demonstrates recognition of Indigenous lands, treaties and peoples. It involves thinking about what happened in the past and what changes can be made going forward in order to further the reconciliation process. Land acknowledgements mark a small and important step in the process of reconciliation and building a positive relationship with Indigenous peoples. By making a land acknowledgement you are taking part in an act of reconciliation, honouring the land and Indigenous

presence which dates back over 10,000 years.

Using and participating in a land acknowledgement is a way to recognize the enduring presence and resilience of Indigenous peoples in this area for time immemorial. They are also a reminder that we are all accountable to these relationships.